Originally Posted by BALLISTIK
Question for the unthinking majority, how come we didn't have rampant pitbull maulings 30 years ago, 40 years ago, 50 years ago....100 years ago? What has changed since then?

[quote=Cariboujack]Postmen Citizens need to be allowed to Carry on their route, especially if it's a walking route.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I am relating my experiences of the 60s in LA country delivering milk, I would be approaching a housed making a delivery there would be the mailman kicking at the dog and the dog would be after him, I would speak to the dog maybe scratch his ears and enter the put what had been ask for in the fridge, lock the house up and be on my way. Yes I carried keys to at least 40 houses on the route. In a year on two routes (one one day the other the next day) I was only bitten once. My question is why did I get along with all the dogs and the mailman didn't? Maybe a person brings on the attacks with how they act, I just don't know but do know what I seen and experienced. Cheers NC

don't judge until you have walked a mile in other persons' moccasins'