On average, there are about 30 deaths per year due to dogs having been identified as Pitbulls (I phrase it that way because "Pit Bull" is a catch all category for dogs roughly fitting a certain look, rather than a specific breed). For Rottweilers it's 5 per year (Only pure AKC Rottweilers are categorized as Rottweilers in these sorts of statistics). That's roughly the ratio (6:1) of the two "breeds" to each other in the US.

To put this into perspective, however, there are over 3,700 deaths by drowning each year, about ten percent of which (about 370) are children under five who drown in a swimming pool (murder charge for swimming pool owners, perhaps?). Suffocation by something caught in the throat or windpipe, over 5,000 per year. Just tripping and falling, over 36,000 per year.