Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Originally Posted by Whiptail

I have no problem with the owner being charged with murder/manslaughter.

Originally Posted by Jeffrey
Originally Posted by CRS
Comparing guns and vehicles to pitbulls is an invalid argument.

One is living, breathing and has a mind of it's own. The other is an tool, machine, and needs the living, breathing, person to do damage.

A car, or gun sitting in the back yard with broken fences will never hurt anyone.

A breed bred to kill and be vicious on the other hand...…..

The breed was actually selectively bread to avoid aggression toward humans.

You skipped the part where pit bulls that DID show aggression towards humans were killed immediately, a thing necessary every generation. That ain’t been done in prob’ly a half century or more in most pit bull bloodlines.

Dog owners need to be responsible for their dogs, end of story.

Couldn’t agree more, your dog gets off your property you oughtta be liable for everything that dogs does while roaming loose.

Human aggression will never be bred out of pits or killed out of pits. If it was going to happen it already would have. Labs certainly haven't had a history of needing to be killed for human aggression.