Originally Posted by ol_mike
Maybe someone who inheritted a lot of money will show us their 4500 SF cabin - lots of pictures please .

NOWHERE in the Southeast could a person have a cabin left unsupervised for an extended period of time , it would be robbed and destroyed as soon as the locals found out about it .

Yes it would be great to be able to have a cabin ir other things but as I've said since I was in my 20's - '' scumbag people ruin everything '' .

Well, I have inherited in my lifetime less than $10,000 and that was from a great aunt and at her insistence, we spent that on furnishing a house we had just purchased rather than saving and investing it.

I bought our cabin by working my a$s off over the years so that when an opportunity came up, I could make the most of it. So, I am sorry you can't help but be envious, but not everyone had their stuff handed to them.

Our cabin is in the bush. AKA the wilderness. It is a 900+ mile drive from here into northern SK and then either a 4-5 lake canoe trip in with portages or a floatplane ride into.

Montana MOFO