Originally Posted by RiverRider
Originally Posted by Quak
Originally Posted by RiverRider

Oh, no no NO. Hitler was a good guy, and was backed into a corner by the rest of the world---particularly the Joos. Really.
*sarcasm off*

This crap is nauseating.

Ahhh the Jews

I wonder how American treatment of the interned japs would have looked if we starving and facing defeat and annihilation by our enemy’s. I’m sure we would have just “let em walk”.

War is not and has never been the answer. All of the people that died in the 20th century...Germany is still there...Japan is still there...Russia is still there. Don’t get me started in Korea and Vietnam

That's a pretty incoherent post.

I will say, though, Executive Order 4066 is definitely a blemish on American history. OTOH, no one can say there would have been no sabotage had Roosevelt no taken the action he did. My personal feeling is that there would not have been, and the internment was unnecessary and unjust.

I see no relevance to the OP or my statement, though.

My personal feeling is, there would have been zero sabotage committed on American soil if Japanese/American had remained free through the duration of the war.

But there would have definitely been dead J/A in the streets of America.

The US government used the bombing of PH to great advantage during the war. They had great propaganda campaigns fostering hate of Japanese.

My Dad was born in '30. Too young for the war effort, but old enough to remember it vividly. He often mentions recruitment posters and news reels. And to this day is incensed at the duplicity of the US government and Dept of War.

"Uncle Sam needs You. Join today and kill a Jap" The duplicitous part was that most of the boys were headed to Europe.

Given, after all those years of isolationism, the American public needed prodding to properly execute the Pacific and the European war. And fostering hatred of those "Sneaky Jap Bastards" was an effective way to do so.

But how can you leave them roaming the streets if they are so sneaky and dangerous. That is a bit contradictory to the propaganda campaign.

And from the hatred I was still seeing and hearing twenty and thirty years after the war was finished, the anti-Jap propaganda campaign was extremely effective.

I am of the considered opinion the J/A needed to be contained for their own safety. America certainly did not need anything similar to what was happening in the Jewish ghettos of Europe to happen in our streets.

But upon their release, all of their bank accounts and property should have been immediately returned to them.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.