I understand.

On the flip side are those veterans of periods like the Cold War who were actually under fire or at extreme risk of it and are not considered war veterans. A few hundred lost their lives due to enemy action. Of course some of the missions were classified, at least at the time. The C-130 shot down over Soviet Armenia on 2 Sept 1958 was one such incident. The USS Liberty was an example from the Vietnam era, and the skipper received the Medal of Honor, even though the ship was nowhere near Vietnam. Point being, the Cold War is a misnomer, it was not cold.

On a personal note, I am a life member of the VFW but am not eligible for membership in the American Legion, even though veterans who never left the states can join the Legion if their service was during an eligible period.

A salute to all who served honorably.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.