Originally Posted by xverminator
Originally Posted by fredIII
Originally Posted by Beaver10
At full speed play it looks like a “fluke” shot, in your words...Seeing the video on slow motion, as I did, it was clear Fred had the head shot called perfectly and bullet contrails were tracking for a solid head hit, until the goat stepped forward, taking the shot in the high base of the head/neck area.

Think “Monday Night Football” play reviews. Field calls are made based on slow motion, where details are better seen.

Curious, what your compounded shooting solution would be based on the ballistics you say you already know. I’m just a novice shooter, please educate me....Thanks. 😎

Bro, this is just an internet forum. Do this https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ or call me again....I'll pick up, I promise!


Bonus points for Originality LMFAO.
When I call the code phrase is Bruce beats you! 🤣🤣🤣🤣