Had a meeting and lunch today with an old friend who was a surgeon in a small town hospital in western Nebraska. The topic of guns came up and he mentioned that he’d had conversations with some of the trauma surgeons in Omaha - for some reason both of the trauma centers here in town are located in the rougher areas - he told me the local trauma surgeons were concerned about dealing with gunshot wounds. When the local Drs asked him about his advice he answered that he’d really never had much experience with such things. He said that most of the gunshot victims he’d seen were DOA. He said the folks in his area knew how to use guns and had guns of adequate size to resolve the matter quickly. When a shooting victim arrived at the ER they were beyond any help he could provide.

“My horn is full and my pouch is stocked with ball and patch. There is a new, sharp flint in my lock and my rifle and I are ready. It is sighted true and my eyes can still aim.”