Originally Posted by z1r
Originally Posted by saddlesore
Why would anyone think a cowboy who spent all his days working cows would be proficient with handguns? Most full time ACTUAL cowboys carried side arms to shoot a horse that he has been hung up on and being drug,or one with a broken leg, or the occasional cow that had to be put down,o r similar reason. All the remainders were a cowboy in name only. Sort of like today

Similarly, today, most folks in LE can't shoot worth a darn. The departments rarely dole out more ammo than is needed for qualifying. Most I know in LE rarely shoot on their own except immediately preceding their qualifications. There are exceptions of course.

It always amazed me how many deputies I worked with were NOT gun people! There are many that ONLY fired their weapons on qualification days and most couldn't even field strip for cleaning.

We were issued 50rds of handgun and 40rds of rifle/month and maybe 10% of us actually took advantage. I tried to have a "Range Day" at least once a month on a day off and I would often have our private range all to myself!

I took it very seriously, however not many do not!

Elk Country

"I refuse to waste my common sense on those who have been educated beyond their intelligence"

All you need to know about Democrats is they call American citizens "Deplorables" and illegal immigrants "Dreamers"!