I have 5 o/u shotguns and every one comes to the cheek and point of aim different, I have an Ithica, "SKB' model 500 with short barrels that I have killed a train load of birds with, it certainly "fits differently than my Red label,the Ruger weighs more, is longer and I can't hit chit with it, I blame it on "fit" it points no where near I look, when the gun is shouldered.

I shoot 44-46 at sporting clays and 95-97 at skeek with 20 gauge guns,And I have earned more than a few dollars shooting live birds, I'm not much of a trap shooter, the whole mounted gun thing just isn't for me, and in my mind, most people who shoot poorly do so because they are shooting guns that don't fit them. Take a look at a mans face after shooting 100 rounds, look at his scores most will decrease as the day progresses, why ? Because the gun has slapped his face all day and now his head is off the stock and he is shooting over the birds, "fit" matters .

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