Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Must be an epidemic. Just today I was in an inservice with a new teacher from another school, first year here, been here since August. Hired from up north, 23 years old.

So I asked how she was adjusting to life away from family, she said she was going crazy with loneliness, not knowing anyone, working long hours coming home to an empty apartment. She said I was the first one to ask her about this. Said the bar scene no longer appealed to her.

Soooo.... I’m prob’ly gonna try and show her around, get her started on breaking ice here in San Antone, she said she would be grateful. No idea if this is gonna work.

Starting to feel like Roger 🙂

Birdie, You're in Texas. Good Stetsons and boots probably grow on trees down there. Buy a set and seal the deal.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.