The last hunt I had with my Pop...We watched a clearcut for couple days...I finally got him on a nice young 3 point bull, but he couldn’t see him on the side hill in the low Christmas trees. I tried to line him up and guide him to the bull, but his 76 year old eyes just wouldn’t allow him to see it.

Finally, Pop said, “Son, would you just shoot the damn bull”

I shot the bull. I was able to get my truck closer to the side hill where the bull was down by taking an old skidder trail and thrashing the hell out of my truck...So what! I got us close enough that I could walk down the mountain and start working up the bull to haul it out.

As I’m working away, I heard a snap of a limb above me, I look up and see Pop hobbling down the mountain with a long stick he’d found to use as a cane...The old guy looked like Moses coming towards me...I said “What the hell are you doing”? He said “I figured you could use some help”.

We got the elk out together...It was a great hunt for us...I wish Pop could have made that last shot of his hunting career, but he said to me as we were working on the elk, “Son, I killed a lot of animals in my lifetime, just being here, with you, is perfect” “Good thing you didn’t miss him”...That was my dad. “Good thing you didn’t miss him” Laffin....😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”