Originally Posted by jaguartx
Hahahaha. Tell me this when your wife drops a mutant. YGBSM. Millions of possible mutations but many are advances in life forms. Hahaha. YGBSM.

Now, tell me about those that result in a new, advanced species. Then tell me about another one occurring in the same location of the opposite sex at the approximate same time frame that can result in propagation of the the new species.

You stupid fughk. You're too stupid to see that the scheme of things is obviously against the odds of such an impossible possibility.

And all this time I thought you were smart. Hahaha, you had me and others fooled with your high faluten BS.


Once again, you are arguing from your personal incredulity, which is logically fallacious.

So Doc, do you also swallow the author Flat Earth Theory he espouses in his other video I posted?

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell