Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted by 1minute
Then there is the aspect of time. Like billions of years. Change is inevitable.

Time is not the hero. Entropy shows things deteriorate over time. Recently I saw something on T.V. that said something to the effect if sperm count continues to fall off at its present rate humans will be extinct in 2,000 years.

OIf you saw it on TV it must be true!

Did the TV tell you that snakes can talk?

Did the TV tell you that you can get striped goats by making goats look at striped poles while copulating?

Did the TV provide any evidence for Noah's non-esistent flood, lifted from the myth of Gilgamesh?

The whole book of Genesis is ridiculous. It's only purpose is to make intelligent people laugh at it and turn away from the true message of Christianity. Genesis had nothing to do with God. It was made up by stone age illiterates.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.