Originally Posted by jaguartx
As I said. You can not produce order from disorder.

It's amazing how you atheist pukes at you tube have buried this old video and made it evidently impossible to post the original video.



OK, Sport, I turned on your video. Some foreignor who had no scientific credentials (or at least claimed none) bloviated that dogs can be made to evolve. Thus proving evolution can happen. Dumbth!

Then he said if evolution were true Eskimos woud have fur. Ever hear of Eskimos wearing clothes? Duh!

Then he said that if evolution were true, people in the tropics would have shiny skin to deflect the sun. In point of fact, dark skin is necessary in the tropics to deflect UV radiation. Duh! Duh!

No point in watching any further.

Are you really as dumb as the things you post, Jag?

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.