Originally Posted by Fireball2
Originally Posted by BigNate
When I see these I have to wonder if the other side of the story was that you cut him off in your big truck just because you could. Rarely does a road rage incident start because one party was doing nothing. It does happen, but it usually starts with some sort of rude self centered act of BS.

The rest is, if several people call in to report the erratic behavior of this individual in a town of only 30k it'll get around to the LEO's soon enough.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Actually, he had been causing trouble at a costruction zone earlier in the morning. Not that you would even consider there might be more to it on the side of the guy going off in traffic.

F'n campfire.

Roy, the good folks here at The Campfire are trying to tell you in a nice, gentle way that,,,,,you got it coming.

The degree of my privacy is no business of yours.

What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.