my wife was driving us to dinner one night, merging onto the interstate, she merged on driving about 60mph and some jagoff in a cadillac SUV pulls up beside her ranting and raving, swerving close to us. Trying to run us up on the shoulder. Shook her up pretty bad.

alot of crazy people out there getting set off for no reason.

in this case my wife didn't do anything wrong, but early in our marriage, she was one of these types that wouldn't let people go around her, let people out in traffic or whatever, just alot of generally dickish driving for her age. I was the same way in my 20's, but now that I'm well into my 50's, its really no skin off my nose to let someone get around me or yield to the guy coming off the ramp.

It took me telling her about 20 times that you don't know if the guy you just cutoff just got fired from his job, caught his wife cheating or just smoked some PCP - if you're going to be an aggressive driver then you need to be prepared for people to be aggressive back at you.

but someone gets out the car and is coming back to whip my ass, I'll run over the sumbitch before I take an ass whuppin. That ain't happenin. I can fix a dent. But I generally drive to avoid those confrontations

Last edited by KFWA; 02/18/20.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings