Always prepared but really don't expect it to happen to us do we?

Today I'm driving the dump truck and flatbed trailer to the tire store for some new baloney skins when I roll up to a four way stop and begin to veer into the left turn lane. I see this late model Cadillac coming around me on the left from behind, going into the oncoming lane. He's driving real fast and erratic as he goes around, and I tapped my horn. He immediately flips me the bird and pulls in front of me, between me and the car that was in front of me. Then he hangs out the window, looks back and is yelling some sheit waving his left arm around the whole time. I pretty calmly signaled him to come back and chat when he sped around the car in front of him into the intersection (out of turn and almost running into another rig), burning rubber and gittin. Everyone's looking around going, "Did that just happen?" When he stuck his head back in the window I figured that's it, he's throwing the door open and coming back. I was fully ready for it but it was a shock that it was happening. Thankfully? he sped off.

Text my buddy about it and he says, "Yeah, newer Cadillac, white kid with dark hair?" He'd just seen the same kid blow thru a flagger at road construction because apparently he was tired of waiting. Gravel flying and burnout there too. After hearing that I started shaking. Adrenalin dump I guess. Dude didn't have the gonads to jump out of his car and come play but if he had it would have gotten serious real quick. Probably hopped up on meth.

I had my 38 Super on the seat next to me, never in a million years visualizing that scenario playing out on the way to the tire store, in a dump truck, but it's like I tell my wife, you don't get to choose when it starts, only how it ends if you're lucky, and ready. Really makes a person think how fast life can take a turn. FWI, the town I was in has a population of 30K.

That's probably nothing for alot of you guys, but around here while it's not common, it's not unprecedented. You really need to have the gun handy, and be ready, because it happens fast. Stay safe out there, it seems like the world is going crazy.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack