Time to stir the proverbial pot...

First let me say I don’t agree with court ordered gender anything.

I’m the father of a 14 year old transgender daughter. Have your laughs, talk your [bleep]. Here’s what I can tell you, it’s not a choice. I raised a son around guns, dirt bikes, diesel trucks and motocross. At about the age of 6 I noticed something was different, trading hot wheels for Barbies and having a complete disinterest in anything male. I tried as hard as I could to curb it but to no avail. Her mother and I agreed to a puberty blocker implant, which is completely reversible if she decides being a girl isn’t for her. At 14 she dresses and lives as a female but I will not allow any estrogen injections until she’s of legal age.

This coming from a super conservative red blooded American who had to completely change his way of thinking and way of speaking I can tell you, it’s not a choice for the child and. It absolutely the most difficult thing you could think to go through as a kid. Honestly, who would choose ridicule, name calling and an 80% suicide rate? Nobody. That’s who.

That being said, the god damn government stepping in is absolutely ridiculous and it would be over my cold dead body before someone told me what was going to be put in my kids body.

Rant complete.