Words do not suffice for those who have yet to absorb the contemporary evil festering in our culture, ruling class, and those who "go along."

For those in positions of authority (gov't, church, school, parents) who further this(1), this is a betrayal of trust and authority worthy of Dante's 9th circle of Hell: Traitors to Kindred and Traitors to Country. A mill stone is just the beginning.

Arnoldus Amalricus had the right idea:
"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."

This civilization has become a house of horrors, where the most freakish realities and myths of Weimar & Nazi Germany become gov't policy and accepted by those who have become unmoored from any sort of Western morality.

(1) Or let it be done without resisting as if the child's life was at stake.


“The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”
----Fred Rogers