Try working at a prison with them, they never minded doing strip searches on men. I have seen spouses leave their spouses for some one of the same sex. I have a nephew who is gay. I get tired of the special protection that side is always wanting. We already have a Constitution and local, state and federal law. We are getting real close to them demanding legislation for hiring preferences.

Weird how a very small percentage of our population demands and gets so much from the rest of society. They hijack words, the rainbow is a sign, that is God's promise to mankind that He will never destroy them with a flood again. Gay, my Fathers letters to my Mom during WWII mention they had a gay old time when Paris was liberated. Gone is that words original meaning. Marriage, that is what God called the union between a man and a woman. Now they want that word to describe their union.

I believe their gender issues are really a moral and mental health issue, no matter how much emotion and acceptance one wants to paint it with, it does not change the truth.

A look back in history will show that ungodliness leads to a hard heart, pride, immorality, perversion, etc. Ultimately leading to the fall of the nation.

The only up side I see is they aren't having as many abortions as the rest of society.