[quote=sportingspecialist]Although the study referenced in this article is three years old,it certainly places in question the use of such drugs as puberty blockers on children.The most important conclusion reached by these world renowned physicians is this:
The doctors found that puberty blockers create four major problems, including prolonging gender dysphoria in children who would otherwise outgrow it.

A new study shows once more that significant research is still needed in order for doctors to understand how to treat transgenderism, particularly in young patients. Unfortunately, the scientific approach to gender dysphoria has been heavily influenced by the PC movement and as such may be resorting to harmful interventions to appease social-justice warriors. According to a study published in The New Atlantis on Tuesday, children suffering from gender dysphoria should not be treated with puberty-blocking drugs because they create additional complications.

I’ve read this and about 1000 others.