Originally Posted by Blacktailer
Don't know if this will work in your case but this is how I cook game that has a "wild" taste.
Trim the meat so all of the fat and any surface that was exposed during aging is off . You now have fresh red meat.
Take a baggie and put in about 1/4 cup BALSAMIC vinegar, a couple tablespoons of olive oil, 1 or 2 mashed up garlic cloves and if you like, a little bit of raw onion. Put the meat in and turn it all around so all of the meat is coated.
Now squeeze out all of the air you can and toss it in the fridge. A couple of hours usually works, overnight is better.
Cook on a hot grill only until it is rare, about 4 minutes per side usually works for me.
Hope it works, let us know.

Will try your method this weekend as well. Thanks.

LOL if not palatable, how do red squirrels taste? No season and have my deer woods full of em