Originally Posted by TexasPhotog
Originally Posted by kroo88
WGAF?Certainly not Campfire members! I mean none of them are male, over 50, over weight, diabetic, A-fib, smokers or have asthma.Yes, none of those people should GAF....
I am 67 and probably weigh 15 lbs. more than I should, have a leaking aortic, and was successfully treated for A-fib 5 years ago (cardiac ablation). The way I look at it is I'm expendable if the alternative is to burn down the U.S. economic structure to a point it cripples the next generations. I have 3 adult children and 3 grandchildren to think about. I could say I've payed my way and deserve to hang around for 20 more years to hell with the cost. I've worked since I was 14 or 15 at some pretty tough occupations. My health is actually not bad as I can still spend 10 hours on a tractor, run a chain saw, or rope a cow and pull a mispresented calf. But I know I'm on the downhill and truthfully getting killed so to speak in the saddle is far preferable to 5 years in a nursing home. I would love to be around to continue to travel and keep my oldest grand daughter with me as much as her parents allow but I am not willing to grind the economy to a halt and throw trillions of debt on the country to save a few old folks like me.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."