As of today, 04/01/20, the Omaha World Herald newspaper is reporting that projection are for 442 people in Nebraska may die from COVID-19.

In round numbers, 500 death from a population of 1,929,000 people is 0.0259% or 1 death out of every 3,858.

If those ratios are applied to the 330,000,000 U.S. citizens, we could expect around 86,000 deaths from COVID-19.

Since COVID-19 seems to be more deadly for the old and those who have underlying health problems, some subset of that group of 86,000 would die from other causes.

What doesn't kill you can make you stronger if you'er willing to embrace change. But how much are we will to pay in terms of dollars and loss of local control to feel protected by the Federal bureaucracy out of WDC?

I heard people talking about Federalizing healthcare and unemployment insurance, pointing to Germany as a model. So many people seem to expect "The Feds" to have all the answers when they are in trouble, but when they aren't in trouble they want local control and freedom of choice. Can't have it both ways.

Or so it seems to me.