Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by boatboy
Following this

Keep in-mind not all welded boats are created equal

The blanket statement welded better is not really true
I can be, but not always


There's welding, and then there's welding.

More importantly, there's Aluminum, and then there's Aluminum.

Aluminum alloys come in various grades. Some hard, some soft, some brittle, some ductile.


You will find the same to be true of welded boats. Some are constructed of superior, expensive Aluminum alloys. Some are made of less expensive alloys, and are more prone to stress cracks or heat damage along weld lines.

Most of the better built boats will tout their alloys in their advertising copy. It pays to become familiar with the alloys, or at least know how examples of the boat model has performed for others before investing a large sum of hard earned money.

Could you please expand a little on what we should be looking for in terms of an alloy number or some other objective measure? I've seen metals categorized by number, before but not sure if I would recognize one being better than the other unless someone pointed it out. Thanks!

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