Originally Posted by deflave
Well the first thing I'd say is, don't carry a 1911.

But if you insist, it should be carried as intended. Mag inserted, round chambered, safety on. The whole purpose of wearing a sidearm is expediency. When you start reducing that expediency you're reducing the effectiveness of the sidearm.

You're never going to find a police department, sheriff's office, or federal agency that advocates carrying any way other than cocked n' locked/hot chamber.

Nightstands should be no different. Kids or otherwise. If access/safety is a concern the gun should be inaccessible to the childrens. But there's no reason to change its condition.

One of the best things a person can do with an EDC firearm is keep it in a holster that is easy on, easy off. Keeping all safeties engaged and the trigger unreachable. More AD's happen from people going in and out of the holster and fugking around with a naked gun than probably any other cause. This is one of the reasons the ALS system really shines for duty rigs and paddle holsters. The gun and holster always stay together.

I quit reading your post after the first sentence.

I'll come back and read the rest at cocktail time. Ha!

Gun Shows are almost as comical as boat ramps in the Spring.