This is a well orchestrated move by the Libs and Bernie supporters on Madison Avenue, to make it appear perfectly normal for a cute white gal to bang, and to marry, a Negro. Just 3 years ago, you never saw an ad like this.

Millions, probably billions of dollars are spent on these ads they are the life's blood of the companies that pay for them, whether it be for a prescription drug, or for a car manufacturer. They pay the money because these ads work! People believe what they see on these ads.
Easily, more than half of the ads on tv today, probably 75 percent portray mixed race couples. Look, I live in the most liberal town in the southeast, Asheville NC, and I see mixed race couples on the street at about 1 percent of the couples. Even then, 98 in a hundred are a black guy with white girl, almost never white guy with black girl.
The reality, even in LiberalLand is 1 in a hundred. The "reality" on tv ads is 75 percent.

I feel sorry for the ignorant white families that get brainwashed by these ads, and think it is just fine if their little stacked 19 year old dollie bangs a Negro, or even, marries a him. These ignorant white families need to read the FBI statistics on the probability of a Negro committing a carjacking, or a rape or armed robbery, or murder compared to a white boy. In fact, even according to the Obama Justice Dept. the Negro is about six times more likely to commit a violent crime.

Good luck to y'all whities who are brewing up a Picanninny grandson you are about to get a harsh lesson.