Worked in factories.

Like another has said.............seen many a grandparent, helping raise a mixed race grandkid.
Mommy white. Daddy gone.

And socially this seems to be gaining traction as acceptable.
Having kids out of wedlock and having somebody else pay for them.

It aint cool, no matter what color.

Have heard some of these cursed grandparents say "it's OK now, the baby's father is out of the picture".

Yeah, white deadbeat dads aint uncommon.
But these folks seem proud to push their mixed race grandbabies around in strollers.
Like they be woke or sumptin.

No, your daughter was a ho and that puzzy is wrecked.
Now back when I was in HS, it was NOT common, but if a gal was banging a brother, it was the fat red headed gal.

And they'd have a Ben Russ orange fro Troll doll lookin offspring.

But back in college one day I saw a smokin hot blonde, and then the purple black dude she was with.
Told my buds "Thats it, they're into the good stuff now- we are chit outta luck".

MTV told the white girls that banging a would be rap artist felon was cool.

Dunno why somebody who makes such bad decisions (felon) would be a good choice for a genetic donor to your child.
Dumb c h unts think they're gonna give birth to the next hit singer or basketball player.

IMHO when having relationships/breeding.......... stay within race, religion and political party. Reduces the risks.

Told my kids if they don't respect me enough to do the above, at least respect themselves enough to do it.
They are free to choose.

They choose poorly, I will disown them. Either way, I'm good with whatever happens.
Told them the rules.

My cousin always said I was too harsh, too strict, looked at the world wrong. She a democrat........w two brillo headed grandkids, from two different absent felon daddies.

Cried on my shoulder one day, asking me where she went wrong (her kid now a felon as well).

I wanted to scream "You're a GD Democrat!"
But she already knew.
Being the good boy I am, did not tell her "told you so".

Damn I sure wanted. Surprised she didn't hear it blasting inside my skull (I can think really loud).

Yes, the kids are innocent. But I do think thought processing to be sometimes inherited.
Obviously the dudes were fuggups, and the mom the kid, by genetics and environment, IMHO is high risk of being cut from the same dirty cloth.