Truth be told just stay calm, drink plenty of fluids, and walk out. Call for help when you get to signal

Copperhead bite not going to kill you unless anaphylactic reaction. We don’t administer anti venom to copperhead bites unless certain parameters are met.

Rattlesnake is a very serious thing, and your in trouble. You get anti venom no matter what with this.

Pressure bandage and immobilization if at all possible. Heart rate not that much of a factor. If they bite you in a large vessel your in big trouble anyways. Main thing is get to where you can call for help or help can get to you.

Most snake bites come to ER private auto not ambulance. Most have been over a hour by the time they get to us. They are still doing pretty well normally. Most do great, but seen a few I didn’t thing would make it after rattlesnake bites

We have had 5 this year already, which is nearly what we would see all year. Might be a rough year for snakes here