Originally Posted by JGRaider
I would believe that Godogs. When your fastball tops out at 87-88mph you learn how to pitch. Pitching is a whole lot different than throwing. Hey Jeff, ROGER CRAIG alert....he always said when a guy can master three different pitches, at different speeds, throwing them for a strike most any time he wants to regardless of count, that guy will win a lot of games in the big leagues. He's sure right about that.

JGR, you are in a better position than most to make that statement. But am I correct in saying that you will never see the inside of a big league clubhouse unless you can first throw at least 5 mph faster than that? My impression is that unless you can throw 93+ to begin with, you'll never wear a uniform long enough to learn to truly pitch.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.