Too funny Jeff. I love that story. Did you by any chance meet John Burkett or Greg Litton? How about Wendell Kim? Wendell was my manager for 2 yrs in Shreveport. Hammaker came down to Shreveport to do a little rehab, IIRC 1987. One of the many clowns on our team nailed his shower shoes to the floor of his locker and put a scoop of vaseline in his towel. Hammaker was pretty quiet, but even got a chuckle out of it.

I still have an old video around here on VHS from 1985 about the Fresno Giants. There's a piece in there on a brawl we got into with another team where Will ran in from first base and was sort of standing ready behind the pile. Some dude from the other team ran up behind Will and sucker punched his azzz big time. Gotta hand it to Will though, his knees buckled a bit but he didn't go down!

When you got Will in a small group of guys he was always a great guy to be around and lot's of fun.

It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.