Originally Posted by BigDave39355
30 for 30.

Did a show in a semi local guy. Marcus Dupree

“The greatest that never was “ or something like that.

Think he has a used car lot or something now.

I saw that show on Marcus Dupree. Fascinating. One of the greatest high school players ever, about like Herschel. Heavily recruited, he went to Oklahoma. He was a freshman hotshot. They had a 2 week break before the big bowl game, Marcus went home to Mississippi and hogged out on fried chicken and ice cream, while reading all his press clippings. He showed up for the bowl game and had gained 20 pounds.
He still set a bowl record for yards gained, and this guy a freshman. However, because he was fat and out of shape, he got injured and was never the same.

Went back home in January and got in with a "black power" preacher who was teaching him that Barry Switzer was screwing him over, which was BS, he transferred to a local college where things didn't work out, he got drafted and went pro and his pro career was a flop.

When last seen he was a 46 year old truck driver, and he was broke. He is one of the greatest flops in sports history.

And as someone said, I was watching intently the battle between Maris and Mantle, and the 61 home runs. These latter day dope fiends broke the record but they cheated and I have lost a great deal of interest in baseball since, as they let these cheaters go on for years because it was good for the attendance.

If the Marcus Dupree show comes on again I will watch it, really it is a sad story, a tragedy, hotshot kid got too full of himself and got his head filled with sh*t and he went down in flames.