I hope you get it, bc 100AC is 100AC.

As for the advice here, I like the sound of Elkslayer (get the boat anchor registered and set asap)
Also, in terms of all the advice here it would be useful for posters to declare how they come to their knowledge and advice?
State and local laws prob matter when it comes to contracts (?) but being first in line with liens and such sounds like common sense.
I recently had a buyer hold us over a barrel ON the closing date of a 1.6M dollar land deal. Lawyer called and said as much. (over a $26 grand contingent that he was reneging on at the last moment) Lawyer was clear, take 1.5plus and sue him later for the rest, or have the entire deal stuck in court for over a year where you can't sell, pay taxes and are stuck with it until the dust settles. We opted to get out with what we could and go after him for the rest in the contract later.
It doesn't really matter his motivation in the final hour, or the delay, what matters is that you get what was contracted to you asap. Focus on that. The end game. Register the boat anchor, stay silent (meaning do NOT contact him directly) and let him sweat, with the fear that he signed a contract and if your wife is really a lawyer then I'm sure she can get a friendly colleague in realtor law (or figure out who is the BEST) to do her a fav and contact him Monday and request the name of his lawyer. That should put the fear of God in him. Better yet if that lawyer contacts him Sunday morning when he can't likely get legal advice.
Whatever his motivation (prob figured he could get more for the land from someone else, the Amish came knocking with their wallets, or he/she wants to back out of their new place. Cold feet at the alter. Doesn't matter. Keep your eye on the end game and get a PRO to handle it and take over, no matter what the cost. You contacting him directly is just going to give him balls to counter you. Elkslayer sounds like he knows a bit more than the folks saying wait and see or those saying walk away.
He made a contract with you and now he needs to follow through.
Don't give him an out.
Hope you get the land...

Better not to take the shot, than to screw it up.