This is looking NNE from Cedar Mountain Llano Co. Texas. In the middle right of photo is the old Click family cabin. Dating back, oh I imagine to the 1860’s -70’s. The mountain middle left on horizon is Packsaddle mountain. From reading the book, Lehmann was involved in two fights in the vicinity of this mountain. Apparently the famous one where their bowstrings were wet and unable to shoot their bows.

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Sandy creek runs about the very middle of this photo from left to right.

The mountain on the far left are the Riley mountains. At the base of these mountains not far from the Honey Creek cemetery is the location of the old Los Almagre silver mine.

Ancient Order of the 1895 Winchester

"Come, shall we go and kill us venison?
And yet it irks me the poor dappled fools,
Being native burghers of this desert city,
Should in their own confines with forked heads
Have their round haunches gored."