Mule Deer;
Top of the morning to you sir, I hope that this eve of the Fourth of July finds you and Eileen well.

This has been a particularly good thread in my view, which does happen from time to time and is why I like to drop by! wink

As you and most of the older posters know, we've been cutting our own game as well as helping friends out since '89 and if I had to guess I'd want to say we're somewhere around 175 deer, bear, sheep sized animals with 2 or 3 moose thrown in over those years.

This isn't a paid promotion by any stretch, but I've lost count how many times I've recommended "Slice of the Wild" to folks taking up hunting and/or meat cutting and in fact have given at least one - maybe more actually.... to deserving candidates! Even though we'd been doing it for years when the book came out, I learned a fair bit from the book. It's worth every penny - which coming from a Canuck running a $1.40 exchange rate is saying something, eh? laugh

For us, Jordan Smith's equipment list is pretty complete, though I will say that I built a tape dispenser that clamps to the table and allows one handed tape grabbing which is the proverbial "bee's knees" in my opinion. It allows one to wrap the slab of meat, hold the wrapped slab "just so" like we like to and then grab the chunk of tape with the other free hand. Much, much easier/quicker.

That said John, my goodness is it tough to get decent tape up here anymore. It doesn't seem to last more than a few months and then it's either not wanting to come off the roll or has lost it's stick..... Just the last few years I've seen that - must be either a cost saving measure or who knows what.... boo hiss.

Anyways sir, Happy Fourth of July to you and Eileen and thanks all for the contributions to a good constructive thread.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"