Originally Posted by gonehuntin
Originally Posted by jackmountain
Originally Posted by gonehuntin
I keep saying that the LEO's are auditioning for employment under new management - BLM is evidently the progenitor of America's version of the African National Congress, whatever it will be named here, and we will live to see it happen.

Not without a bunch of bodies stacked up like cordwood
We haven't hit the boiling point yet. When rule of law breaks down in areas other than urban, liberal schit hole cities like Seattle and Minneapolis it's going to be a game changer. [bleep] like that happens in this area, theres going to
Be some dead [bleep].

It didn't happen in SA and it won't happen here. The revolution IS BEING televised in digital Technicolor.

We have been through this before. THIS isn't the revolution. THIS is the globalist takeover, using divide-and-conquer tactics. There is no "socialist revolution". These "revolutionary" groups are paid for by corporate and private donors. There is nothing "grass roots" about this. It is all staged, it is all orchestrated, and even though you are watching it, all you are seeing is exactly what they want you to see. The REAL revolution will be actual Americans standing up and fighting back, not just against chiimp mobs and black-clad gangs, but against those calling the shots. It won't be televised. You won't hear about it, except to demonize it, i.e., "White Supremacist terrorist extremists attacked a poor, put-upon stand-up American who 'Dindu nuffin' according to witnesses. The Governor will call in the National Guard to deal with this threat to American Democracy and freedom."

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.