Originally Posted by jfruser
not all leos are as the op describes, but enough are such that the sight of a leo in an urban area strikes worry into the hearts of honest men, when only criminals ought to be so worried. decent leos and leo orgs are to be cherished and are a fundamental building block of civil society. i have spent enough time in the hood to know that maintaining order amongst the hood rats can be an ugly sight to decent folks.

not an anarchist, but vigilante justice would be better than what we get from most urban leo orgs these days, which is anarchotyranny.

anarchy as the criminals get a pass from leos when they brutalize decent folk

tyranny used against decent folk by leos who defend themselves against criminals; tyranny of the myriad rule/regs that are applied to decent folk while the riffraff slide by.

it has been going on for decades. if not for leos following the orders of their evil masters, decent urban neighborhoods would not have been overrun by du-verse savages. the decent folk were willing to fight the vibrants, but could not fight govt, too. white suburbs are refugee camps full of the ethnically cleansed--with the help of urban leos.

leos generally do the bidding of the ruling class and since our ruling class is evil and stupid, leos participate in doing evil and stupid things.

leo actions determine if any particular leo is a force for evil or good. leos who remain in such evil organizations take that evil unto themselves and become evil, too. unlike military service, they can quit without legal repercussion.

“White suburbs are refugee camps “.

Good point.

That’s pretty much how it is. Just ask the McCloskeys.

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What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.