Originally Posted by Stophel
Take 500 White people, randomly, and drop them on a deserted island, way away from everywhere. How would they fare? In a short time, leaders would arise, they would organize themselves and begin building a new society. Buildings, government, division of labor. Water would be sourced, and some form of agriculture would begin. Boats and ships would be built to explore or even escape. Probably all within a few months. Oh, there might be some power struggles or some such, but they'd do fine.

A similar result would occur with a group of Asians (well, perhaps not quite so successful, unless they were all Japanese...)

Take 500 black people and put them in the same situation. Within a week, all the women would have been raped, and half the men. Any intelligent leadership that might arise would be brutalized by the rest. Within a couple weeks (or less), half would be dead, and cannibalized by the rest. If any of them managed to survive more than a month, it would be a miracle. To think that Wakanda would arise, is foolishness in the extreme.


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