I've spent big money on suppressors before, but at this point, but if I had to do it over again I'd just buy yankee hill cans.
They're an incredible value for the money. You could buy 2 or three for the price of the thunderbeast.
Unless you're way down the precision shooting rabbit hole, just go YHM.

Also- I prefer short and loud cans that don't epically f up the balance of the gun.
Super quite cans seem cool on paper, but strapping 8" and 20 onces on the end of barrel is kinda dumb IMO.
If I can make a centerfire rifle sound about like a unsuppressed 22LR or 22 Mag, I'm happy.

If you're doing a range session you should be wearing plugs for the sonic crack, anyhow.
The quietest can in the world can't stop that.