I have the following rifle cans

Dead air sandman S, and direct thread TI
Silencerco omega

The Sandman s is just barley noticeably louder than the omega or TI

The omega is slightly higher pitched In tone than the dead air cans, But still sounds really good and is lighter in weight.

The sandman TI is the quietest but the longest can. Weight is like 1-2 ounces more than the omega and less than the sandman S

I actually don’t have a preference between direct thread and the keymo system that dead air uses for a mount I have seen multiple other brands using a brake mounting system get stuck after multiple rounds

The keymo has never gotten stuck on me or according to the class 3 dealer I use on any of his full auto rifles. Other brands did get stuck especially silencerco and AAC.

Don’t bother with buying different size end caps for different calibers. Not worth the money at all as you cannot tell the difference I assure you. I tried

Thunderbeast are very nice, but the price is definitely up there. I couldn’t justify the price of admission vs the others.

I have noticed a POi shift with cans on and off, but it is absolutely repeatable and predictable enough it doesn’t matter.

Biggest piece of advice is get one! You won’t regret it