Originally Posted by Sycamore
...the way I remember it, Fauci was asking people to not hoard the N-95 masks, because medical folks needed them to go to work.

I'm sure the MSM would like to spin it that way.

Beginning in February, Fauci stated quite clearly the only masks that might be effective are N95's and there was no need to wear any other mask unless you had symptoms. If you had symptoms, a cloth covering may help prevent the broadcasting of a cough or sneeze or silva while talking, but not to wear an N95. Later Fauci advised that you could wear a cloth face covering if it made you feel better, but strongly recommended against wearing a formal surgical mask—as those should be reserved for frontliners. Finally, by late June Fauci's position on masks eroded to the point where he declared that everyone should wear a mask.

Fauci's explanations justifying lying to the public as a means of preserving supplies for medical workers is a disgusting example of paternalism and where he lost any respect I had left for him.

I can't believe someone hasn't strung together a montage of Fauci's statements on masks over the last six months. Then again, there'd be no place to post it, because they'd just take it down.

Originally Posted by 16penny
If you put Taco Bell sauce in your ramen noodles it tastes just like poverty