Last I heard AIDS/HIV infection is FATAL. Why you reckon there hasn't been a huge effort to identify and isolate the people that carry this contagion? I understand it isn't yet considered airborne but I would bet that almost everyone that's been exposed and infected were not aware it was happening. Here you have a disease that is 100% percent fatal vs one that is .04 %. Also what about the Hepatitis C that is terribly debilitating and easily spread? I have a 70+ year old neighbor lady with CV-19 and she has received 2 calls from the state this week to be sure she knows to stay under house arrest. It would homophobic or negro phobic to insist that AIDS and Hep C infected be put under house arrest despite the fact that millions have been infected.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."