Originally Posted by GeorgiaBoy

The size of the Covid19 virus bacteria is .1 micron.

The masks most people are being asked to wear only filter down to 20 microns.

Do the math. It is like trying to filter out mosquitoes with a chain length fence.

This argument is, frankly, stupid as hell. And it's been said here over, and over.

The point of a mask is to keep "spittle" and large droplets, and snot and chit from flying out of the mouth, while talking. The point is not to capture perfectly virgin .1 micron viruses out of their mouth while talking. It is a laughably stupid assertion.

Read that again: The point is not to capture a single, minuscule rouge virus someone is exhaling.

Get a fuggin' clue.

I know it is political, and everyone has an opinion, but JFC. Believe in masks or not, but at least judge them based on the intended benefits.

Last edited by duck911; 08/01/20.

The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.