"That's why the dog pounds are chock full of them."

My dog got out almost a year ago. He's Boston Terrier fence jumper mix and one hell of a escape artist. On 8/15/19 he got out. Usually he's back home within a couple of hours with a silly grin on his face. He was fixed so it wasn't to chase females. I've never seen him since that day. I figure one of several things happened. Someone picked him up and took him home. A crime as the dog has a chip Lots of coyotes roam in my "hood" so there's a chance they got him. Another though it was 105 that day and maybe the heat got him. There's also the chance dog fighters may have picked him up to use grooming their pit bulls for fighting. Quite a few dogs disappear due to those SOB's.

Anyway, for over a month I'd do about every other day hitting Pima County Animal Control looking to see if he'd been picked up. No such luck. The surprise was how many pit bulls they have in custody waiting for adoption. The way they have it set up you have to go past them to get to where they keep the smaller dogs and I don't think that was by accident.

I am always hesitant to step outside at night because there are no street lights and unless it's moonlit night, it's hard to see. We have a lot of people who own pit bulls in my "hood" and one or another is always getting out. I haven't seen one lately but as we're having a dry an extremely hot monsoon season I'm thinking their owners may be keeping them inside. I hope they stay there.
Paul B.

Our forefathers did not politely protest the British.They did not vote them out of office, nor did they impeach the king,march on the capitol or ask permission for their rights. ----------------They just shot them.