Originally Posted by billhilly
Reading this thread got me thinking. Say you’re driving down the road and come across a pitbull attacking some kid and you figure using your pistol wouldn’t be prudent as the dog’s on top of the kid, there’s lots of people around, or it just wouldn’t be safe, what do you kill it with? I’d probably take my knife to it under the circumstances but that wouldn’t be my first choice if given time to think about it. Maybe a framing hammer or a hatchet would be handy to keep in the truck. Any ideas?

a blade between the ribs would work quick, I once cut a pit down to the neck bone that attacked my chow with a machete, he ran off a few days later i seen him all happy recovering at his home.
Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Originally Posted by billhilly
Reading this thread got me thinking. Say you’re driving down the road and come across a pitbull attacking some kid and you figure using your pistol wouldn’t be prudent as the dog’s on top of the kid, there’s lots of people around, or it just wouldn’t be safe, what do you kill it with? I’d probably take my knife to it under the circumstances but that wouldn’t be my first choice if given time to think about it. Maybe a framing hammer or a hatchet would be handy to keep in the truck. Any ideas?

We used to talk about this subject many times.
I studied all that I could find by the experts.
I didn't really know what I was talking about until I was attacked by a Chow, taken crushing bites by Rottweilers, an Alligator and various exotics too.

The thing that was clear should have a thread of its own.
1. These beasts can and do crush flesh, muscle tissue, tendon and bone.
2. They have powerful necks and utilize their entire body 200% and shake large adult males over twice their body weight.....just like a rag doll
3. A man's man WILL risk his own life to intervene and possibly save the child's life. From your good question, you surely would.
4..Just like Combat with humans, we need training, preplanning, continued education and practice to gain an advantage over these killing machines.
The weapon is important, but the training is far more important. I'm qualified to address both.
There's no easy answer, however I may teach this on this campfire forum if you get your friends together and there's enough interest.
PM me if you'd like that to happen.

Best regards,

Happy camper
my pit attacked me, he got the short end of the stick, I had a crushed finger and a lot of stitches in my hand but he died.
Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Originally Posted by billhilly
Reading this thread got me thinking. Say you’re driving down the road and come across a pitbull attacking some kid and you figure using your pistol wouldn’t be prudent as the dog’s on top of the kid, there’s lots of people around, or it just wouldn’t be safe, what do you kill it with? I’d probably take my knife to it under the circumstances but that wouldn’t be my first choice if given time to think about it. Maybe a framing hammer or a hatchet would be handy to keep in the truck. Any ideas?

We used to talk about this subject many times.
I studied all that I could find by the experts.
I didn't really know what I was talking about until I was attacked by a Chow, taken crushing bites by Rottweilers, an Alligator and various exotics too.

The thing that was clear should have a thread of its own.
1. These beasts can and do crush flesh, muscle tissue, tendon and bone.
2. They have powerful necks and utilize their entire body 200% and shake large adult males over twice their body weight.....just like a rag doll
3. A man's man WILL risk his own life to intervene and possibly save the child's life. From your good question, you surely would.
4..Just like Combat with humans, we need training, preplanning, continued education and practice to gain an advantage over these killing machines.
The weapon is important, but the training is far more important. I'm qualified to address both.
There's no easy answer, however I may teach this on this campfire forum if you get your friends together and there's enough interest.
PM me if you'd like that to happen.

Best regards,

Happy camper

always knew what i'd do if a dog attacked me and i was bare handed.

God bless Texas-----------------------
Old 300
I will remain what i am until the day I die- A HUNTER......Sitting Bull
Its not how you pick the booger..
but where you put it !!
Roger V Hunter