I'm a middle age adult and wouldn't talk to my father for $100k. Everyone thought he was the greatest when I was a kid. Family friends he was great guy. Dude used to beat the livingShit out of us. Not he was punishing us he went way overboard. Beat me with a Mag lite once. I would cop to doing things wrong to take the beatings for my younger siblings. When i was 10 I made a joke he didnt like and he KO'd me right in the living room. Full force punch to the jaw and knocked me out. That was the SECOND time my Mom had to take me to school and talk her way out of having the kids taken away cause I had a clear fist print in my face. Now days we would have been gone right then. I still remember my mom yelling at him the kids were going to be taken away and him replying "Good let them live in foster care then". Now days hes addicted to pain pills piece of trash that still tries to put on a good face. Everyone eventually saw through his BS. Hes going to die alone and for good reason. He'll never know my kids. My kids don't even know he exists. Still remember the last day he threatened me. Senior year. He was 5ft 7 160 lbs. I was 6ft 240lbs. He tried to get in my face and realized if I took him down he was done. Stared at me and walked away. That day EVERYTHING changed between us. He filed for divorce from my mother 2 months later.

Last edited by k20350; 09/21/20.