I had to sever emotional ties with my mom due to borderline personality disorder and a bunch of other mental stuff due to MS. She was mentally ill and destructive of every single relationship she had, and would try and destroy others’ relationships, too. She lived across the street from me until she passed last year. Was abusive to my dad, sister, wife, etc. She was never bad to my kids, but I never let her be around them alone because I truly believed she would give them meds and screw them up. We had to have many discussions about why “PP” couldn’t give them medicine EVER! She manipulated my dad so bad. Every day of their 35 year marriage he swore she loved him, every day of their marriage she told anyone who would listen that he was trying to kill her. She truly believed in her mind everyone was against her, and so she proactively burned every bridge she could.

Last 5 or so years of her life I spent every day wishing she was dead because she didn’t want to be here and she was bringing us along on her tortuous existence.

God gave me the ability to love her again before she died, and he’s giving me good feelings and thoughts now. I actually miss her.