My ex wife is a narcissist,she has brainwashed 2 of our 3 girls against me. i have not seen or spoken to them in over 10 years,my middle daughter saved herself ,she
ran away to me when she was 15,testified against her mother in open court.i got custody and child support for her,i could not get the other 2,nor,did they want to come live with me.
They are lost to me,i fear forever.i had a phone consultation with a N.Y.C. forensic psychiatrist who is also a lawyer who specializes in this.he told me it could cost a $100,000.00 + in legal fees and Dr. Bills to get the other 2 away from her with no guarantee , and even then,the chance of successfully de-programming
them,was slim.i hope and pray they come back to me someday.from what little my daughter can garner off the computer,they are a mess.its a shame.some mistakes you pay forever for.