Whenever I've been in a church, it's either because someone I know died or I'm being a tourist or a soldier, but for my religion I was raised to wear nice clothing at temple.

I never really liked that, cause the reform temple I grew up with was more of a retarded fashion show than a house of worship. It's part of the reason I stopped going for many years.

After living in Israel, I saw that people just go to temple with whatever clothes they have on at the time and that made sense to me, since it's not about me or my clothes. Then, I started going to orthodox services and, again, people go as they are. The rabbi explained it to me that neither he nor G-d look at anyone's clothing during services (or at any other time), and it's a distraction to even consider how you look when you are praying.

So I usually go in a pair of jeans, tennis shoes and a button down shirt of some sort. Last week at the orthodox services I attended in Montana, there were ranchers who showed up in camo and work clothes, and the only reaction was to welcome them. One guy at the services wore a suit, and he was from California. Since it was raining, I put on the waterproof gear I use for duck hunting (not waders, of course, cause that would have been weird) and I was among my people.

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.